
Look Into the Past

When enjoying the food that is distinctive to a specific area, it is beneficial to know where these influences came from. For Newport, Rhode Island, the largest influence stems from Portugal. Going all the way back to the early 1600s, Portuguese immigrants began settling in the small state. For years to come, Portuguese immigrants made a larger home for themselves in Newport by creating houses of worship and starting businesses. It is no secret that their food has influenced the menus of many restaurants in Newport once you give them a good read and start seeing the trends.

Chorizo is probably the biggest giveaway that a menu item is inspired by Portuguese cuisine. The spicy pork sausage finds its way into many fan favorites of New England food. Corner Café, a popular breakfast spot mentioned in a different blog post, features chorizo in some of their omelets. I’ve also experienced chorizo in stuffed clams from another popular Newport restaurant, Brick Alley pub. This rare addition brings a burst of flavor to the naturally mellow pairings of vegetables, bread crumbs, and chopped clams.

Each culture seems to have their own signature sausage, and chorizo is no different for Portugal. The cured pork is seasoned with smoked paprika which gives the meat that reddish look. The sausage is normally crumbled and added to dishes to heighten the flavors a little bit more than usual. Eggs, potatoes, fish, mussels, and clams are just a few ways to incorporate the Portuguese star in a meal. Next time you’re skimming the menu of a local New England restaurant, keep an eye out for this powerful ingredient and remember the impact that Portuguese immigrants are still having on us today.

Below is a video showing how Chorizo is made:



Sweet, sweet nostalgia

I can’t remember a time in my life when sharing a meal wasn’t an important part of connecting with someone. Growing up in a Hispanic household, meals were always extravagant. My mother would spend a whole day cooking for all major holidays, and I would always lend a helping hand. Even on nights where nothing special was going on, sometimes my mom would just want to make a ton of different options to eat so we could all sit down as a family and enjoy some time together. Birthdays, Sunday nights, or any time some family connecting was needed, a good meal would be a good place to start.

Living my life around an environment where eating delicious food and having good conversation with even better company led me to believe that the best way to start having a connection with someone would be to sit down and eat something with them. This thought process has not changed for me. I’ve come to realize that some of the best times I’ve had with my family, friends, coworkers, and even my boyfriend have happened when we were gathered around a table. Moving to Rhode Island was scary for me because I didn’t know anyone. I remember the nerves I felt when I first moved into my dorm and realized I had to create a life for myself in an unfamiliar place. After a little while I made friends and we all had one thing in common: we were all Culinary and Baking and Pastry majors. This means our appreciation for food was all at the same level and a good meal was just as important to me as it was for them.

Three years later, and many, many unforgettable dining experiences throughout Rhode Island, I knew I wanted to write about something that could influence the experiences of other people. Newport, Rhode Island gives people countless opportunities to sit down and connect with a loved one through food. Whether it’s at a fancier restaurant with a white table cloth or a dive bar with a loud band, I’ve found happiness in the atmosphere surrounding me when I choose to eat out with friends. It brings me back to the feeling of wholesomeness I had as a child when my family would get together and enjoy every minute we had with each other. That feeling is something I don’t plan on letting go of any time soon, and it’s something I want others to be able to experience when visiting the New England area.